Usage name: Rosehip, wild rose bush.
Obtaining process: The fruits are harvested when ripe, dried, then crushed to obtain a powder.
Source: Wild plant.
Family : Rosacea.
Provenance, origin: Europe, Asia, North America.
Chemical characteristics : Rich in vitamin C, flavonoids, carotenoids, organic acids, tannins.
Dosage form: Powder.
Necessary dosage in food supplements : The recommended dosage of rosehip in dietary supplements generally ranges from 500 to 2,000 milligrams per day, depending on individual needs.
Missions: Strengthen the immune system, promote skin regeneration, provide antioxidants.
Properties : Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, healing, immunostimulating.
Indications: Skin conditions, fatigue, weakened immune system, wound healing, improvement of skin health.